
Based on twenty years of environmental justice organizing LVEJO has had the privilege to join in alliance with other incredible organizations and networks struggling for environmental, social, and economic justice. Currently, LVEJO is a proud member of the following alliances:
chicago environmental justice network (CEJN)
This coalition brings together neighborhood based environmental justice organizations working in the Chicago metropolitan area. Currently, CEJN is comprised of LVEJO, Pilsen Environmental Rights and Reform Organization, People for Community Recovery, Southeast Environmental Taskforce, and Blacks and Green.
midwest environmental justice network (MWEJN)
This coalition unites environmental justice organizations across the Great Lakes region. MWEJN is founded by LVEJO in Chicago, Center for Earth, Energy and Democracy in Minneapolis, and the East Michigan Environmental Action Council in Detroit.
climate justice alliance (cja)
The Climate Justice Alliance is a collaborative of over 35 community-based and movement support organizations uniting frontline communities to forge a scalable, and socio-economically just transition away from unsustainable energy towards local living economies to address the root causes of climate change.
grassroots gobal justice alliance (GGJ)
The Grassroots Global Justice Alliance (GGJ) is a national alliance of grassroots organizations building a popular movement for peace, democracy and a sustainable world. We support each other’s local struggles and collaborate with international allies who share our vision and commitment to building a transformative social justice movement beyond borders.
Re-amp network
RE-AMP is an active network of 160 nonprofits and foundations across eight Midwestern states working on climate change and energy policy with the goal of reducing global warming pollution economy-wide 80% by 2050.
Chicago Jobs with Justice
Chicago Jobs with Justice is the Chicago chapter of National Jobs with Justice. We are dedicated to promoting workers’ rights and social and economic justice. We organize events, rallies, press conferences, action and campaigns to win important fights for working families.
Funders Collaborative on Youth Organizing (FCYO)
A collection of national, regional and local grantmakers and youth organizing practitioners dedicated to advancing youth organizing as a strategy for youth development and social transformation.
Building Equity and Alignment (BEA)
Building Equity and Alignment for Impact (the BEA initiative) is a grassroots-led entity launched in July 2013, converging around a shared future vision for a more inclusive, connective, winning environmental movement.
The Environmental Justice Leadership Forum on Climate Change (The EJ Forum)
This is a national coalition of 42 community-based environmental justice organizations working together to advance climate justice and impact federal policy to ensure the protection and promotion of communities of color and low-income communities throughout the U.S.
The New Economy Coalition (NEC)
The New Economy Coalition (NEC) is a network of organizations imagining and building a future where people, communities, and ecosystems thrive. Together, we are creating deep change in our economy and politics—placing power in the hands of people and uprooting legacies of harm—so that a fundamentally new system can take root.
The Moving Forward Network (MFN)
The Moving Forward Network builds the capacity of network participants working to improve the freight transportation system in the areas of environmental justice, public health, quality of life, the environment and labor. MFN does this through communications to facilitate information sharing, sharing advocacy tools, funding research on emerging issues, peer to peer training, and facilitating regional and national workshops to unite network participants and attract new allies.